I asked a girlfriend to walk on my back and she did this for me she was barefoot not so big so i asked her to ware shoes so i would feel mer pressure on my back. I got her to wear pumps highheels after a while and i also got her to step on my fingers and hands even with heels.
I have also try men to step on me its not exiting for me and the have a quite different way to trample (strange) I now know that i only like woman to trample me..
I don´t know how to expain this but the men are usigt their angle of the foot and press more gently first pressure on front and then the heel i also can se this differense when you watch a male step and crushing things i videos. I can tell if it is a male or a female in most cases. But i only had maybe 2 male that trampled on me so i dont have enough experience to comment this.