I “met” Linda on a now defunct forum and we had exchanged a few friendly messages. She was into sitting, squashing and smothering, being (she told me 42.5stone) founf not that many people who could handle her. I asked he if she had trampled anyone before, she said she had thought about it but did’nt think that there was anyone who could take her weight – me being me I told her that I could, maybe not on the chest but I’d give it a go. Anyway, here I was at her front door, more than a little nervous and Linda filled the doorway as she opened the door. After quick “hi’s” I stepped into the hallway and followed Linda into the longe, her huge wide UK12’s mashing down onto the yellow flipflops I had sent her a few weeks ago.
“Please sit down” she said, “Would you like a cup of tea ?”, “yes please” I replied and she flipflopped into the kitchen as I made myself comfortable sitting on the floor. Soon Linda was back with the tea and sat next to me. We chatted about our “meeting” and our experiences. She slipped off the flipflops and rested her right foot on my thigh, it was just the weight of her foot and leg but it felt very heavy to the point that I was starting to have second thoughts about my bravado. During this time I caressed her foot, it was incredibly smooth and soft so I sat in front of her, massaged it gently and kissed her plump suckable toes before I did the same with the other one. Now came the time of reckoning – we had decided to start with my hands, so I knelt on the floor, placed my hands on the carpet with Linda facing me – I had my palms upwards and, Linda moved forward – she gently touched my right hand with her left sole, shuffled a little to position her foot, asked if it was OK which it was then she tried with the other foot so that she knew where my hands were. “Ready” she said & without hesitation her left foot was on my hand full weight, – the pressure was immense, I could not believe that my hand could take that sort of pressure and survive, but survive it did, it eased as she stood on the other hand, her feet feet covered my hands completely. Even though it was twice the weight I had ever had on me before it felt awesome. I said that it felt awesome and she stayed on my hands for about five minutes, clearly enjoying herself. I was convinced that I would not be able to take this amount of weight anywhere else on me, but I just knew I would have to give it a try. Linda seemed to sway slightly from side to side all of the time and she said that she always did that. All I can say it that it made the experience all the better for it. She moved up my hands a little and then back down, keeping all of her weight on me she turned around and then we tried with my hands palms down. Linda did say that this was the first time she had trampled so it was nice to feel her feet probing and experimenting. She trampled my hands well and truly, including standing on just the balls of her feet a couple of times, even just on the fingers. After a good ten minutes or so Linda asked if she could try it with my hands on the hard floor, to which I immediately agreed and placed my hands on the floor palms down. Yes, it was a little harder to take but the whole process was repeated with an addition – Linda decided that she would walk backwards and forwards on my hands – a new and delightful experience for me. Then, she put on the flip flops and repeated the whole process again We had a short break although that was Linda sitting down resting her feet on my back as I lay on the floor. I said that I would like to try her standing on my bum, so, I moved over to the so that she could balance. I readied myself. I felt Linda’s right foot getting positioned and she said “ready”, I replied “go for it” & wham – all of her weight on just the one foot for a brief fraction of a second until the other foot joined it. Awesome is not the word, I literally felt squashed down to nothing – it felt as if her feet were no more than an inch or so from the carpet. I lasted, maybe around ten seconds, but I lasted. I felt confident, maybe overconfident and turned over – it was then I realised just how big Linda was – from down there she looked just too intimidating with her size. I thought to myself no, no way but went for it anyway. Linda allowed me to show her where to put her feet and when I was ready it was right foot on my groin, how I managed all of her weight there I did not know, but it eased when the left foot buried itself into my bare belly. I was really enjoying looking up at her knowing that all of the Lady I could see was actually on me at the time, pressing down.with all her weight. Alas, I could only manage a few seconds though. We tried it a few times, barefoot and with the flip flops – I have to say that it made little difference to my endurance with the flipflops. After a short break I wanted to try my back, so I positioned myself by the wall again and soon I felt a large warm foot gently pressing down as Linda got her right foot positioned and once in a place she was comfortable with she briefly put all of her weight on the right foot and it was almost immediately joined by the other one. An awesome feeling again, but Linda started to slip off. She tried again with the flipflops on and that did give her a little more grip, so I managed about five or so seconds and Linda tried again wearing a well worn pair of Ballet Flats and this time she moved up and downm shoulders, back, lower back, bum and thighs, this time I managed a couple of minutes or so. We both needed a bit of a break after that so Linda sat down and I did what any decent rug would do and laid on the floor as a footrest & massaged some lotion into her feet. All too soon we had run out of time but not before Linda had done the washing up with my hands as her rug. Linda gave my hands a final trampling & gave me the flipflops as a memento to keep - as I drove off I could see that my hands had been crushed flat, in fact it was a few days before they returned to normal. Very, very intense but I felt really good afterwards, we sessioned again a couple of times and tried some different footwear including some hard wedges (they hurt like ****), leather flipflops, Crocks, hose and socks.