I'm not exactly new here, been lurking waiting for this forum to pick up.
Unfortunately, I haven't been lucky enough to have a trampling experience of my own.
I really enjoy reading real stories and person experiences. I remember the Yahoo Groups days when there were several active communities and several posts a day. There were also several story sites in the early 2000's that have all vanished.
The last 10 years or so online communities have been virtually dead. A couple posts here or there a year, but that's about it. And I wonder why that is. Is it because people have moved on to social media? I have also found that people's experience in recent years could fit in a tweet. Such as the entry experience is composed of no more than "Last night I was lucky enough to be trampled by two heavy women." It always leaves me saying "and..."
I enjoy a good build up to the actual trampling experience, and then a detailed description or the actual trampling experience and how heavy it felt.
The stories/experiences I have especially enjoyed are the ones where a much heavier girl tramples a guy or girl. Not much heavier as in BBW, but heavier as in they are all, muscular or fitthick.
I'm glad to start seeing posts here again. There was a good year with no posts what soever. But I really wish this community gets more active and more experiences are shared.
I know that feeling of 'how do I get trampled'. It is a burning desires. I remember the yahoo groups. Some of the guys and girls got a right ole trampling. A group that broke away was an Australian run. I got several trampling from it. But as you say these groups disappeared.
Two one one squashing are brilliant. those who went under my feet I thank over and over again. I enjoyed every moment of them except when they stopped.
My favourite was a 85 kilo Asian boy who sat on my stomach for 55 minutes until he had cramps. He progressively sunk deeper and deeper. The rolling from ache to being squashed back to ache was the most enjoyable. I wish it was a girl but a squashing is a squashing.