I have practice car crushing. I told my wife that i have to check someting was wrong with my right front wheel (Sweden got lefthand drive cars) She could not se what i did but i instruckt her to follow my handsignals and drive forware and backvards on my signals.
When she did this i put my hand under the weel it was a great kick to know i colud not stop my hand to be drowe ower by our car.
I feel mutch pressure from the tyre and i soon get inprints from the treads of tyre I also put som small boxes under that she crush but she then asked what it was for crackling sound from the wheel.
I think you have to be careful it easy to get hurt under a car even if it is a small fiesta!!!
Please tell us how you will develop this idea in future.
I have photo of a 1970 Plymouth Valiant front wheel on my belly. It was sunken so deep that the entire sidewall of the 185 x 15 tyre was beneath hip height. That pressed me to the spine. the introduction of the Chevrolet weight has to be perfect because the pressure will be instant, absolute, unforgiving and irreversible.